New way to keep and retain talent: employee investment plan

    1. Hepsor
    1. Magnetic-MRO
    1. Mitt&Perlebach
    1. Fractory

Why consider an employer investment plan?

  1. A new, attractive way to save on your recruitment costs. An investment plan is an excellent alternative to an options plan for keeping talents in the company.

  2. Financial security = less stress + more productivity. ca 2/3 of the employees feel financial stress that can harm productivity. Growing investments grow financial safety as well as productivity.

  3. You are presumed to be a caring and value-based employer. New talents are driven by mission, sustainability, and investment options.

Investment plan opportunities

  1. Personalize within the current budget

    1. Why?

      40% of your employees do not use today's sports and health budget - financial stress is one of the main mental problems.

    2. How

      An employer can use the budget already set for them and start investing in their dreams. Investment plans can also be made for employer kids.

  2. Alternative for options - tie investments with working experience

    1. Why?

      Company do not have the options plan but there is wish to keep them more in company and offer ways to increase their future value.

    2. How

      You can have lock-up period for the investments. Meanwhile the employees see their value grow however they receive the investments after finishing the lock up period.

  3. New level of employees' financial wisdom

    1. Why?

      ca 2/3 of our employees have financial stress that can harm their health and work. Only some dare to invest, even if they think they should.

    2. Solution

      You, as an employer, can be a valuable support for starting investing and building future wealth. Extra: we also train teams in financial literacy topics: breaking the investment myths and helping with practical tasks.

Investment principles. We invest in companies who

  1. 1

    Have joined The Paris Agreement

  2. 2

    Reduce CO2 footprint by 7% yearly

  3. 3

    Has at least a 50% smaller CO2 footprint than the average financial market

Employer dashboard.
Easy, platform-based management.
It takes 15-30 min/per month for HR and accounting team to handle it.

Employee dashboard.
See how your money grows — educative content and reports.

  1. Savings plan for employees' kids sustainable future

    If we want people around us to contribute to a new generation, we must be a role model for that.

    Martin Vares

    CEO & Co-founder at Fractory
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Questions about how the investment plan works or wish to join us?

Leave us your info, and we will agree on the meeting to answer all the questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

As an employer, do I need to know everything about investing?

No, you don't need to be an investment expert yourself.

We have a highly experienced team that does all the hard work for you. We'll find the best ETFs with both, returns and impact.

We encourage awareness through our channels and newsletters.

Is the investment plan easy to manage?

Yes. As an employer, you'll have an overview of the employees who have joined the investment plan and the transfers made to the portfolios.

Our experience shows that administration takes about 15-30 minutes per month.

Do I need to enroll all my employees to join the investment plan?

As an employer, you have the opportunity to give your team freedom of choice and enroll exactly the employees who want to be included.

For example, you can offer an investment plan as an alternative to a sports benefit. Around 40% of employees don't want to use the sports allowance, and for some it will expire - but it would probably be nicer if the money would grow for the employee.

Or would you like to reward your key employees? You can use the investment plan to boost their motivation.